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gbtransparency is primarily a data package enabling an efficient method for working with Green Bond Transparency datasets in R.

About the Green Bond Transparency datasets:

The Green Bond Transparency(GBTP) has developed a free and public integrated dataset of all the bond’s information included in the platform presented in five export-files. gbtransparency helps users to access files. These files are:

  1. bond's general information
  2. allocation of proceeds to project categories using international standards (GBP, CBI)
  3. measurements of impact and outcome KPIs
  4. individual bond-tranche information
  5. detailed information of the projects receiving disbursements.

There is also an additional file named index. This shows description of variable names per data.

Relevant Notes

  1. gbtransparency is still under heavy development: Please use accordingly. The initial phase of package development aims to finalize stable versions of the datasets, and will be announced with a new package version release and note. Further development will focus on building helper functions to aid efficient analysis workflows with the dataset.

  2. gbtransparency is a personal project: While the package author works as a consultant to AidData this package is a personal project. The author built the package for his own own use, but hopes that it can grow into a robust package that can aid researchers, policymakers, and others interested in gaining actionable, empirically-based insights about Green Bond Transparency datasets.


You can install the development version of gbtransparency from GitHub with:

# install the `devtools` package if not yet installed
# install.packages("devtools")

# install gbtransparency from GitHub

This package will likely never be published on CRAN because the data file sizes are too big.

Using gbtransparency package

The datasets in the packages are as follow:

package_data_name website_data_description
gbt_allocations allocation of proceeds to project categories using international standards (GBP, CBI)
gbt_bonds bond’s general information
gbt_key_performance_indicators measurements of impact and outcome KPIs
gbt_projects detailed information of the projects receiving disbursements
gbt_tranches individual bond-tranche information
gbt_data_dictionary index (description of variable names per data.)

Now we can have a look at the first six observations per data

a) gbt_allocations: allocation of proceeds to project categories using international standards (GBP, CBI)

utils::head(x = gbt_allocations) %>% knitr::kable()
bond_handle bond_name nomenclature category subcategory project location date_allocation date_disbursement allocation_currency allocated_allocation_currency disbursed_allocation_currency bond_currency disbursed_bond_currency disbursed_usd refinancing cofinancing_percentage
1fd5c178da6148569a42c52f45981714 Bancolombia Bono Verde 1 Climate Bonds Initiative Project Classification Energy Hydro GB 1 Proyecto 1 Colombia 2016-12-05 2016-12-05 COP 5271430000 5271430000 COP 5271430000 1722104 TRUE 0.92
1fd5c178da6148569a42c52f45981714 Bancolombia Bono Verde 1 ICMA Green Bonds Principles Project Categories Renewable energy Generation GB 1 Proyecto 1 Colombia 2016-12-05 2016-12-05 COP 5271430000 5271430000 COP 5271430000 1722104 TRUE 0.92
1fd5c178da6148569a42c52f45981714 Bancolombia Bono Verde 1 Climate Bonds Initiative Project Classification Energy Hydro GB 1 Proyecto 2 Colombia 2016-12-05 2016-12-05 COP 2488157000 2488157000 COP 2488157000 812847 TRUE 0.92
1fd5c178da6148569a42c52f45981714 Bancolombia Bono Verde 1 ICMA Green Bonds Principles Project Categories Renewable energy Generation GB 1 Proyecto 2 Colombia 2016-12-05 2016-12-05 COP 2488157000 2488157000 COP 2488157000 812847 TRUE 0.92
1fd5c178da6148569a42c52f45981714 Bancolombia Bono Verde 1 Climate Bonds Initiative Project Classification Energy Hydro GB 1 Proyecto 4 Colombia 2016-12-05 2016-12-05 COP 79175253000 79175253000 COP 79175253000 25865474 TRUE 0.92
1fd5c178da6148569a42c52f45981714 Bancolombia Bono Verde 1 ICMA Green Bonds Principles Project Categories Renewable energy Generation GB 1 Proyecto 4 Colombia 2016-12-05 2016-12-05 COP 79175253000 79175253000 COP 79175253000 25865474 TRUE 0.92

b) gbt_bonds: bond’s general information

utils::head(x = gbt_bonds) %>% knitr::kable()
link handle isin cusip figi ticker name issuer_name issuer_type issuer_jurisdiction fund framework_link issuance_date maturity_date volume_usd volume_bond_currency bond_currency 826fb91751eb4970ac578c6e8f0929fc US00105DAG07 00105DAG0 BBG00QGRGP11 NA AES Gener Green Bond AES Andes Non-Financial Corporate Chile FALSE NA 2019-10-07 2079-10-07 450000000 4.50e+08 USD 270dc78108554e578876030bd2496dde BRVERTCRA2K6 NA NA NA CRA ComBio Green Bond 2028 ComBio Energia Non-Financial Corporate Brazil FALSE NA 2021-11-23 2028-11-16 26572188 1.50e+08 BRL ca95780fd934421fa99ce5cb0b1f71d2 US210314AB60 210314AB6 BBG00NW1PM87 NA ISA CTM ISA CTM - Consorcio Transmantaro S.A. Non-Financial Corporate Peru FALSE 2019-04-16 2034-04-16 600000000 6.00e+08 USD 91d5f951533040578939c60b74089a81 NA NA NA CAF GB Program Green Bond Program CAF - Banco de Desarrollo de America Latina Development Bank Supranational TRUE NA NA NA NA USD de08d71d4fcd410eac1c1c388f5743cc BRRANIDBS031 NA NA RANI14 Irani Green Bond 2029 Irani Papel e Embalagem S.A. Non-Financial Corporate Brazil FALSE NA 2021-03-31 2029-12-15 10531304 6.00e+07 BRL 33ceef813ef14aac8ab44dc3a53606d8 COB07CB00611 NA NA NA Bancolombia Bono Sostenible Grupo Bancolombia Financial Corporate Colombia FALSE 2019-07-19 2024-07-19 206408402 6.57e+11 COP

c) gbt_key_performance_indicators: measurements of impact and outcome KPIs

utils::head(x = gbt_key_performance_indicators) %>% knitr::kable()
bond_handle bond_name nomenclature category subcategory project location indicator unit planned_value measured_value can_be_aggregated methodology_code measurement_period_start measurement_period_end
65809b95fbf34e898b30b546b2d2a6a8 AES Argentina Green Bond ISO Other Unspecified Vientos Neuquinos Argentina tCO2e avoided metric ton 67584 67804 TRUE NA 2020-10-01 2020-12-31
65809b95fbf34e898b30b546b2d2a6a8 AES Argentina Green Bond EU Taxonomy Green Bonds Standard Other Unspecified Vientos Neuquinos Argentina tCO2e avoided metric ton 67584 67804 TRUE NA 2020-10-01 2020-12-31
65809b95fbf34e898b30b546b2d2a6a8 AES Argentina Green Bond ICMA Green Bonds Principles Project Categories Renewable energy Generation Vientos Neuquinos Argentina tCO2e avoided metric ton 67584 67804 TRUE NA 2020-10-01 2020-12-31
65809b95fbf34e898b30b546b2d2a6a8 AES Argentina Green Bond Climate Bonds Initiative Project Classification Energy Wind Vientos Neuquinos Argentina tCO2e avoided metric ton 67584 67804 TRUE NA 2020-10-01 2020-12-31
826fb91751eb4970ac578c6e8f0929fc AES Gener Green Bond ISO Other Unspecified Wind Projects Chile tCO2e avoided metric ton 140982 157700 TRUE NA 2020-01-01 2020-12-31
826fb91751eb4970ac578c6e8f0929fc AES Gener Green Bond EU Taxonomy Green Bonds Standard Other Unspecified Wind Projects Chile tCO2e avoided metric ton 140982 157700 TRUE NA 2020-01-01 2020-12-31

d) gbt_projects: detailed information of the projects receiving disbursements

utils::head(x = gbt_projects) %>% knitr::kable()
bond_handle bond_name nomenclature category subcategory project parent_project_handle location latitude longitude host_organisation refinancing cofinancing_percentage represented_projects description
9fc875791e3143a1bb3f864a304e8185 Green Bond 2017 - Davivienda ISO Other Unspecified Residential Building #20 NA Colombia NA NA Anonymous FALSE 1 NA EDGE
9fc875791e3143a1bb3f864a304e8185 Green Bond 2017 - Davivienda EU Taxonomy Green Bonds Standard Other Unspecified Residential Building #20 NA Colombia NA NA Anonymous FALSE 1 NA EDGE
9fc875791e3143a1bb3f864a304e8185 Green Bond 2017 - Davivienda ICMA Green Bonds Principles Project Categories Green buildings Residential Residential Building #20 NA Colombia NA NA Anonymous FALSE 1 NA EDGE
9fc875791e3143a1bb3f864a304e8185 Green Bond 2017 - Davivienda Climate Bonds Initiative Project Classification Buildings Residential Residential Building #20 NA Colombia NA NA Anonymous FALSE 1 NA EDGE
fd47a3cbf44c4c7bb9c69c5ad3fcc8e0 CBI Certified Portfolio ICMA Green Bonds Principles Project Categories Renewable energy Generation Construction of Photovoltaic System NA Chile -40.22497 -72.39668 Ministry of Energy TRUE 1 NA Construction of 151 individual self-generation systems consisting of a 2.76 kWp PV plant and a 25 kWh battery bank. All systems are located on Huapi Island, Futrono commune, Los Lagos region
fd47a3cbf44c4c7bb9c69c5ad3fcc8e0 CBI Certified Portfolio Climate Bonds Initiative Project Classification Energy Solar Construction of Photovoltaic System NA Chile -40.22497 -72.39668 Ministry of Energy TRUE 1 NA Construction of 151 individual self-generation systems consisting of a 2.76 kWp PV plant and a 25 kWh battery bank. All systems are located on Huapi Island, Futrono commune, Los Lagos region

e) gbt_tranches: individual bond-tranche information

utils::head(x = gbt_tranches) %>% knitr::kable()
bond_handle bond_name market stock_exchange tranche_currency volume_offered_tranche_currency volume_raised_tranche_currency bond_currency volume_raised_bond_currency volume_raised_usd
ee7a68239dbe4664adad596c19403c93 Suzano Papel e Celulose Green Bond 2026 United States NA USD 5.0e+08 5.0e+08 USD 5.0e+08 500000000
ee7a68239dbe4664adad596c19403c93 Suzano Papel e Celulose Green Bond 2026 United States NA USD 2.0e+08 2.0e+08 USD 2.0e+08 200000000
fe8a86a4318f49fb850f1dfa256f263b GCDMXCB 16V Mexico NA MXN 1.0e+09 1.0e+09 MXN 1.0e+09 49269093
cffe109b8d59400dbf3b62d9e36c0d76 GCDMXCB 17X Mexico NA MXN 2.0e+09 2.0e+09 MXN 2.0e+09 112585354
0f91b88562524743ad5ecf105cddab89 Banco Nacional de Costa Rica 2021 United States NA USD 5.0e+08 5.0e+08 USD 5.0e+08 500000000
19e36a4428614da782362502bd1291a3 Attend Ambiental 2026 Brazil NA BRL 5.5e+07 5.5e+07 BRL 5.5e+07 13000000

f) gbt_data_dictionary: index (description of variable names per data.)

utils::head(x = gbt_data_dictionary) %>% knitr::kable()
data ref_no name full_name description
Bonds 1.01 link Bond link Unique link to the bond data in the Green Bond Transparency Platform website.
Bonds 1.02 handle Link handle Unique code of the bond registrered in the Green Bond Transparency Platform showed in the bond link.
Bonds 1.03 ISIN ISIN code International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) uniquely identifies a security.
Bonds 1.04 CUSIP CUSIP code A CUSIP number is a unique identification number assigned to stocks and registered bonds in the United States and Canada.
Bonds 1.05 FIGI FIGI code The FIGI code a is global identification based on Bloomberg’s Open Symbology.
Bonds 1.06 ticker Ticker code A stock symbol is an arrangement of characters—usually letters—representing publicly-traded securities on an exchange