Description of variables in the `gbt_bonds` tibble
A tibble with 177 observations and 17 variables:
- link
Unique link to the bond data in the Green Bond Transparency Platform website.
- handle
Unique code of the bond registrered in the Green Bond Transparency Platform showed in the bond link.
International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) uniquely identifies a security.
A CUSIP number is a unique identification number assigned to stocks and registered bonds in the United States and Canada.
The FIGI code a is global identification based on Bloomberg’s Open Symbology.
- ticker
A stock symbol is an arrangement of characters—usually letters—representing publicly-traded securities on an exchange
- name
Name of the bond in the platform created by the issuer.
- issuer_name
Name of the issuer reporting for the use of proceeds and KPIs of the bond
- issuer_type
Type of issuer from the categories: Development bank, Financial corporate, Non-financial corporate, Local Government, Sovereign.
- issuer_jurisdiction
Country of the SPV issuer reporting.
- fund
Indicates if one of the entries has a "fund-structure". "f" means that the entry does not have a fund strucuture and is not used as a base for a group of bonds reporting allocations and KPIs at the program level. "t" means that the entry has a fund-structure.
- issuance_date
mm/dd/yyyy when the bond was issued.
- maturity_date
mm/dd/yyyy when the bond matures. Moment in time when the principal of a bond must be repaid to an investor.
- volume_usd
USD equivalent of the face value issued.
- volume_bond_currency
Amount issued in denominated currency.
- bond_currency
The denominated currency of the bond.