Green Bond Transparency - Data by Key Performance Indicators
Description of variables in the `gbt_key_performance_indicators` tibble
A tibble with 4820 observations and 15 variables:
- bond_handle
Unique code of the bond registrered in the Green Bond Transparency Platform showed in the bond link.
- bond_name
Name of the bond in the paltform created by the issuer.
- nomenclature
Standard/taxonomy: used to define project categories: Climate Bonds Initiative Project Classification, ICMA Green Bonds Principles Project Categories, EU Taxonomy Green Bonds, ISO Standard.
- category
Project category under the especified project category standard.
- subcategory
Project sub-category under the especified project category standard.
- project
Project name.
- location
Location of the project.
- latitude
Latitude in plane coordinates.
- longitude
Longitude in plane coordinates.
- indicator
Name of the key performance indicator.
- unit
International measure unit for the KPI.
- planned_value
Estimated KPI value for the project pre-project execution.
- measured_value
Real KPI value for the project post-project execution.
- can_be_aggregated
Indicates if its possible to aggregate a KPI.
- methodology_code
Specific code for a given methodology used to measure the KPI.
- measurement_period_start
mm/dd/yyyy when ends the mesuring KPI period.
- measurement_period_end
mm/dd/yyyy when starts the mesuring KPI period.