Description of variables in the `gbt_projects` tibble
A tibble with 1400 observations and 15 variables:
- bond_handle
Unique code of the bond registered in the Green Bond Transparency Platform showed in the bond link.
- bond_name
Name of the bond in the platform created by the issuer.
- nomenclature
Standard/taxonomy: used to define project categories: Climate Bonds Initiative Project Classification, ICMA Green Bonds Principles Project Categories, EU Taxonomy Green Bonds, ISO Standard.
- category
Project category under the specified project category standard.
- subcategory
Project sub-category under the specified project category standard.
- project
Project name.
- parent_project_handle
- location
Location of the project.
- latitude
Latitude in plane coordinates.
- longitude
Longitude in plane coordinates.
- host_organization
Name of the organization that receives the proceeds to finance the project.
- refinancing
Indicated if a project was or not refinanced.
- cofinancing_percentage
Share of the total value of the project that was co-finance using the bond proceeds.
- represented_projects
Number of projects represented by one project and reported by the issuer.
- description
Description of the use of proceeds, location, operation and period of the project.