Description of variables in the `gbt_tranches` tibble
A tibble with 190 observations and 10 variables:
- bond_handle
Unique code of the bond registrered in the Green Bond Transparency Platform showed in the bond link.
- bond_name
Name of the bond in the paltform created by the issuer.
- market
Issance market: National or International.
- stock_exchange
Bond's listing stock exchange.
- tranche_currency
The denominated currency of the tranche.
- volume_offered_tranche_currency
Tranche's offered amount in tranche currency.
- volume_raised_tranche_currency
Tranche's raised amount in tranche currency.
- bond_currency
The denominated currency of the bond.
- volume_raised_bond_currency
Raised amount in bond's issuance in bond currency.
- volume_raised_usd
USD equivalent of the volume raised.