List Available WEO Countries
Returns a tibble of available countries and regions in the WEO database.
A tibble with columns:
- country_code
ISO 3-letter country code
- country_name
Full name of the country
# List all countries
#> # A tibble: 196 × 2
#> country_code country_name
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 AFG Afghanistan
#> 2 ALB Albania
#> 3 DZA Algeria
#> 4 AND Andorra
#> 5 AGO Angola
#> 6 ATG Antigua and Barbuda
#> 7 ARG Argentina
#> 8 ARM Armenia
#> 9 ABW Aruba
#> 10 AUS Australia
#> # ℹ 186 more rows
# Search for specific countries
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#> country_code country_name
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 ARE United Arab Emirates
#> 2 GBR United Kingdom
#> 3 USA United States