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Standardizes entity identifiers (e.g., name, ISO code) in an economic data frame by matching them against a predefined list of regex patterns to add columns containing standardized identifiers to the data frame.


  output_cols = c("entity_id", "entity_name", "entity_type"),
  prefix = NULL,
  fill_mapping = NULL,
  default_entity_type = NA_character_,
  warn_ambiguous = TRUE,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  warn_overwrite = TRUE,
  .before = NULL



A data frame or tibble containing entity identifiers to standardize


Columns containing entity names and/or IDs. These can be specified using unquoted column names (e.g., entity_name, entity_id) or quoted column names (e.g., "entity_name", "entity_id"). Must specify at least one column. If two columns are specified, the first is assumed to be the entity name and the second is assumed to be the entity ID.


Character vector specifying desired output columns. Options are "entity_id", "entity_name", "entity_type", "iso3c", "iso2c". Defaults to c("entity_id", "entity_name", "entity_type").


Optional character string to prefix the output column names. Useful when standardizing multiple entities in the same dataset (e.g., "country", "counterpart"). If provided, output columns will be named prefix_entity_id, prefix_entity_name, etc. (with an underscore automatically inserted between the prefix and the column name).


Named character vector specifying how to fill missing values when no entity match is found. Names should be output column names (without prefix), and values should be input column names (from ...). For example, c(entity_id = "country_code", entity_name = "country_name") will fill missing entity_id values with values from the country_code column and missing entity_name values with values from the country_name column.


Character or NA; the default entity type to use for entities that do not match any of the patterns. Options are "economy", "organization", "aggregate", "other", or NA_character_. Defaults to NA_character_. This argument is only used when "entity_type" is included in output_cols.


Logical; whether to warn about ambiguous matches


Logical; whether to overwrite existing entity_* columns


Logical; whether to warn when overwriting existing entity_* columns. Defaults to TRUE.


Column name or position to insert the standardized columns before. If NULL (default), columns are inserted at the beginning of the dataframe. Can be a character vector specifying the column name or a numeric value specifying the column index. If the specified column is not found in the data, an error is thrown.


A data frame with standardized entity information merged with the input data. The standardized columns are placed directly to the left of the first target column.


# Standardize entity names and IDs in a data frame
test_df <- tibble::tribble(
  ~entity,         ~code,
  "United States",  "USA",
  "united.states",  NA,
  "us",             "US",
  "EU",             NA,
  "NotACountry",    NA

standardize_entity(test_df, entity, code)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#>   entity_id entity_name   entity_type entity        code 
#>   <chr>     <chr>         <chr>       <chr>         <chr>
#> 1 USA       United States economy     United States USA  
#> 2 USA       United States economy     united.states NA   
#> 3 USA       United States economy     us            US   
#> 4 NA        NA            NA          EU            NA   
#> 5 NA        NA            NA          NotACountry   NA   

# Standardize with fill_mapping for unmatched entities
  entity, code,
  fill_mapping = c(entity_id = "code", entity_name = "entity")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#>   entity_id entity_name   entity_type entity        code 
#>   <chr>     <chr>         <chr>       <chr>         <chr>
#> 1 USA       United States economy     United States USA  
#> 2 USA       United States economy     united.states NA   
#> 3 USA       United States economy     us            US   
#> 4 NA        EU            NA          EU            NA   
#> 5 NA        NotACountry   NA          NotACountry   NA   

# Standardize multiple entities in sequence with a prefix
df <- data.frame(
  country_name = c("United States", "France"),
  counterpart_name = c("China", "Germany")
df |>
  ) |>
    prefix = "counterpart"
#>   counterpart_entity_id counterpart_entity_name counterpart_entity_type
#> 1                   CHN                   China                 economy
#> 2                   DEU                 Germany                 economy
#>   entity_id   entity_name entity_type  country_name counterpart_name
#> 1       USA United States     economy United States            China
#> 2       FRA        France     economy        France          Germany