Download and Process Bulk Data File for International Debt Statistics
This function downloads a data file from the World Bank International Debt Statistics (IDS), reads and processes the data into a tidy format.
- file_url
A character string specifying the URL of the Excel file to download. This parameter is required (see ids_bulk_files).
- file_path
An optional character string specifying the file path where the downloaded file will be saved. Defaults to a temporary file with
extension. The file will automatically be deleted after processing.- quiet
A logical parameter indicating whether messages should be printed to the console.
- timeout
An integer specifying the timeout in seconds for downloading the file. Defaults to the current R timeout setting.
- warn_size
A logical parameter indicating whether to warn about large downloads. Defaults to TRUE.
A tibble containing processed debt statistics data with the following columns:
- geography_id
The unique identifier for the geography (e.g., "ZMB").
- series_id
The unique identifier for the series (e.g., "DT.DOD.DPPG.CD").
- counterpart_id
The unique identifier for the counterpart series.
- year
The year corresponding to the data (as an integer).
- value
The numeric value representing the statistic for the given geography, series, counterpart, and year.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
available_files <- ids_bulk_files()
data <- ids_bulk(
} # }