List Available Geographies from the World Bank International Debt Statistics API
This function returns a tibble with available geographies from the World Bank International Debt Statistics (IDS) API. Each row provides details on geographies, including their unique identifiers, names, and types.
A tibble containing the available geographies and their attributes:
- geography_id
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code of the geography (e.g., "ZMB").
- geography_name
The standardized name of the geography (e.g., "Zambia").
- geography_iso2code
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the geography (e.g., "ZM").
- geography_type
The type of geography (e.g., "Country", "Region").
- capital_city
The capital city of the geography (e.g., "Lusaka").
- region_id
The unique identifier for the region (e.g., "SSF").
- region_iso2code
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the region (e.g., "ZG").
- region_name
The name of the region (e.g., "Sub-Saharan Africa").
- admin_region_id
The unique identifier for the administrative region (e.g., "SSA").
- admin_region_iso2code
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the administrative region (e.g., "ZF").
- admin_region_name
The name of the administrative region (e.g., "Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)").
- lending_type_id
The unique identifier for the lending type (e.g., "IDX").
- lending_type_iso2code
ISO code for the lending type (e.g., "XI").
- lending_type_name
The name of the lending type (e.g., "IDA").
#> # A tibble: 134 × 17
#> geography_id geography_iso2code geography_type capital_city geography_name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 AFG AF Country Kabul Afghanistan
#> 2 AGO AO Country Luanda Angola
#> 3 ALB AL Country Tirane Albania
#> 4 ARG AR Country Buenos Aires Argentina
#> 5 ARM AM Country Yerevan Armenia
#> 6 AZE AZ Country Baku Azerbaijan
#> 7 BDI BI Country Bujumbura Burundi
#> 8 BEN BJ Country Porto-Novo Benin
#> 9 BFA BF Country Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
#> 10 BGD BD Country Dhaka Bangladesh
#> # ℹ 124 more rows
#> # ℹ 12 more variables: region_id <chr>, region_iso2code <chr>,
#> # region_name <chr>, admin_region_id <chr>, admin_region_iso2code <chr>,
#> # admin_region_name <chr>, income_level_id <chr>,
#> # income_level_iso2code <chr>, income_level_name <chr>,
#> # lending_type_id <chr>, lending_type_iso2code <chr>, lending_type_name <chr>