List Available Series from the World Bank International Debt Statistics API
This function returns a tibble with available series from the World Bank International Debt Statistics (IDS) API. Each series provides data on various debt-related indicators.
A tibble containing the available series and their metadata:
- series_id
The unique identifier for the series (e.g., "BN.CAB.XOKA.CD").
- series_name
The name of the series (e.g., "Current account balance (current US$)").
- source_id
The ID of the data source providing the indicator.
- source_name
The name or description of the source of the indicator data.
- source_note
Additional notes or descriptions about the data source.
- source_organization
The organization responsible for the data source.
#> # A tibble: 574 × 6
#> series_id series_name source_id source_name source_note source_organization
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 BM.GSR.TOT… Imports of… 2 "World Dev… Imports of… International Mone…
#> 2 BN.CAB.XOK… Current ac… 2 "World Dev… Current ac… International Mone…
#> 3 BX.GRT.EXT… Grants, ex… 81 " Internat… Grants are… World Bank, Intern…
#> 4 BX.GRT.TEC… Technical … 81 " Internat… Technical … World Bank, Intern…
#> 5 BX.GSR.TOT… Exports of… 2 "World Dev… Exports of… International Mone…
#> 6 BX.KLT.DIN… Foreign di… 81 " Internat… Foreign di… International Mone…
#> 7 BX.KLT.DRE… Primary in… 81 " Internat… Primary in… International Mone…
#> 8 BX.PEF.TOT… Portfolio … 81 " Internat… Portfolio … International Mone…
#> 9 BX.TRF.PWK… Personal t… 2 "World Dev… Personal r… World Bank staff e…
#> 10 DT.AMT.BLA… CB, bilate… 81 " Internat… Central ba… World Bank, Intern…
#> # ℹ 564 more rows